Site content © Bernard Keogh (2006) et al where noted.

Bernard Keogh
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New Family Members

We are a large family and are ever growing as the younger members continue to expand the Keogh family  - here are our newest members from 2005 onwards....

Jessica Claire Rutland - born 8 November 2006

Jessica, our first grandchild, came into the world on 8 November at Warrington Hospital and Irene and Paul were there to help bring her into the world. She weighed in at 7lb.6 oz.

Arne Joseph Haarde-Keogh - born 10 November 2006

Our second grandchild arrived two days after Jessica was born. Arne was born in Stavanger, Norway and he also weighed in at 7 lb. 6 oz. Coincidence or what?? Arne could not wait to be born and surprised Kevin and Monica how quickly he wanted to join them!!

Sophie Claire Rutland - born 30 March 2009

A little sister for Jessica arrived on 30 March - not without a little difficulty but the little plaster on her forehead bears the evidence of little troubles on entering this world.

Mina Haarde-Keogh - born 13 June 2009

Mina was born in Stavanger on 13 June 2009 - a little sister for Arne. Another eventful birth for Kevin and Monica but the result was a beautiful little girl.

Before Mina was 6 months old she had moved to Calgary Canada and so has yet to experience Norwegian life in Stavanger properly.

Charlotte (Charlie)Jane Foran - born 29 July 2016

A little cousin  for Jessica, Arne, Sophie and Mina arrived on 29 July - and not without a little difficulty, but the difficulties encountered were soon forgotten as the little bundle became the focus of our love and attention.